second mock up
This is the second mockup I made, it is also very simple but as I made it in illustrator I was able to show the difference that will between the desktop and mobile versions of the site. On the left of the image it shows how the website would look on a phone and on the right it shows how the site would be different on desktop.
The main changes I am looking to make between the different views of the site would be the navigation, on the desktop site I am planning to have navigation along the left of the site much like in my first mockup and how the navigation was placed in my ibook. On the mobile site I am planning for the navigation to be a drop down selection from the top of the site which will allow more of the screen space to be used for the content and then allowing me to add all the content to both versions of the website.
The second main change I am making between the desktop version of my website and the mobile version of the website is the main content. On the desktop version of the website there is 1 main content area that takes up most of the page allowing some space on the left for the navigation. on the mobile version of the website there is one main content area but it is smaller so with the same amount of content displayed on each the audience would have to scroll down the page more.
I am also going to making the navigation a fixed navigation so that for someone navigating around the website they will always be able to switch between each chapter they are on without having to scroll back up to the top. This gives the user freedom to explore the site in the order they feel works best rather than sticking to the order it is presented in.
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