
This website skinny ties works well with clear navigation along the top and underneath is the main banner with ties under that the site is split in to 3 sections for most popular ties, tie bars and solid satin ties. By having this website in sections it works well when resized to fit on a smaller device like phone or tablet.

This shows how when the website is opened at tablet size the sections ether get smaller or move down the page for example the section that says solid satin has moved under the other two sections it was originally next to. Also you can see they have moved the shopping cart and search bar to be above the navigation rather than in line with it making more room to spread out the navigation. 

I then looked at how the website would display if on a phone browser and found that it follows the same structurer as the others but ether reduces the size again or moves things further down the page.

This page shows how each of the 3 sections has been moved down the page and placed under each other rather than beside they also reduced the size of the banner with tie images but this works less well as the ties start to overlap off the side of the page and out of view. This version of the page also has buttons in the top right for shopping and search options rather than a full search bar that was on the other 2 views. 

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