After looking at responsive websites I then started looking at websites that were about a similar subject as mine would be. By looking at similar websites this gives me the advantage of knowing how other websites look and respond. The first website I looked at was WWF 

This is the main home page of the WWF website. It has a main colour scheme of white on a black background with some orange in the top right of the page to help highlight some of the important sections like where you can donate to the WWF or where you can adopt an animal.

The layout is simple with the main navigation along the top and consisting of white text on a black black background. Under the navigation is a main image banner that scrolls through like a slide show of different images. under that is 4 sections for 4 smaller images and then the bottom of the page includes a footer. By using big images at the top of the page it will attract the audience to look and also reduces the content that can be on each page avoiding making it text heavy but by being a slide show it also keeps the audience interested and maximises the space it takes up.

This shows the website when reduced to phone or tablet size. the main differences apart from the size are in the top section of the site, first being the navigation which is hidden under a burger icon in the top right. In the computer view of the site the navigation was originally across the top of the page but by being hid in the burger button it gives the option of a drop down menu that can be hidden to maximise the amount of screen that is used for content and therefore maximises the amount of content that can be on each page. The other main change of the website is the colours where as the website opened on computer uses white on a black background and then uses orange to hi light sections this version of the website uses black on a white background and also uses orange to highlight some of the sections.

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